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Monday 27 April 2015

Speak Out report for 23 April 2015

As a one-off appearance at Excalibur's lunchtime meeting, club president Cat opened the meeting with excitement on the agenda ahead: a special workshop meeting.

Cat swiftly handed over to David L, who guided the audience through How to Conduct Productive Meetings, from the Success Leadership Series. We had a whistle-stop tour through the key features of productive meetings from an administrative point of view, tips to get everyone present at the meeting participating, how to structure the meeting as it progresses, keeping the meeting on track, working for consensus and planning future actions. It was thought-provoking and full of things that we could all put into action at our next meetings.

This was also David's final speech project for his Advanced Communicator Gold, and his success also takes Excalibur Speakers one step closer to its DCP goal for the year!

Cat then handed the floor to George C, also presenting from the Successful Leadership Series on the subject of Parliamentary Procedure in Action. The timing for this workshop couldn't have been more appropriate, with the upcoming District 91 Council Meeting. George guided us through the complex web of the different types of motion, voting requirements, rules and regulations, points of information and points of order.

The meeting came to a close after insightful evaluations from Andrew B and Tony W, with practical recommendations for the speakers' future workshops.

Next meeting

Our next regular meeting is on Wednesday 13th May at 7pm, at Fitzrovia Community Centre. We have evaluator and other roles available - please do sign up online. We will also be deciding on our Excalibur President for 2015/16, so please mark your diary and we look forward to seeing you there, then.

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